
Small Business Invoice Template

Running a startup calls for you to make commitments to succeed. Of these, time is often a big commitment. The oto template maker allows you to spend more time growing your venture.

New Invoice

Total $0.00Client
Service Price

Build Your First Invoice & Get Paid Faster

Our invoice templates are available in Google Docs, Google Sheets, Word, PDF, Excel, Canva, Notion, Figma, and Illustrator. Simply hit the download button, update the invoice with your design logo and branding, fill in the details, and you’re ready to hit send!

How to make an invoice for a small business with oto No matter the type of small business you run, chances are you have many things happening simultaneously. Don’t allow your small business invoicing processes to take up even more of your energy, money, and free time. Using the oto invoice generator helps streamline the invoicing process, leaving you with extra time to focus on growing your operations. It additionally helps eliminate errors commonly associated with manual invoicing processes
Simply follow these steps:

1. Choose your currency

2. Enter your name

3. Enter your client's name

4. Invoice issue date

5. Invoice due date

6. Enter your services and describe what you offered

7. Add tax or discount

8. Add special notes or payment information

What to add in an invoice used by small businesses

What to add invoice

1. Invoice number and date

Include the invoice number and date at the top of the invoice to make it easy for the client.

2. Business and Information

This is where you include you or your business name, address, number, email, or any other info you see necessary

3. Client information

This is where you include the client’s name, address, number, email, or any other info you see necessary.

4. Description of work and rates

Include a short description of the work you did, the quantity delivered or hours worked, and the price for each item.

5. Discounts, tax, and total amount

Add any discounts, your tax, and include the total amount needed to be paid at the bottom

6. Notes

Include any notes you have, if there are any, at the end of the invoice

How to send an invoice if you have a small business

Not too long ago, small business owners could only send invoices via fax or snail mail. Today, thanks to present day technology, this is no longer the case. The simplest and fastest way to send an invoice is by email. It allows you to attach an uneditable invoice in PDF format to help prevent fraud. Make sure to include a brief description of your company and of the invoice in its body.

When to send an invoice for small business services

The best time to send an invoice will typically vary depending on the type of goods or services you offer and your type of customer. If you’re billing for a standalone project or order, the best time to bill is upon its completion, especially when dealing with a regular customer.

However, if the project is complicated or is one that will span several months, consider requesting partial payments after predetermined intervals. This particular invoicing method is recommended when dealing with new clients. Whichever option you settle for, make sure to note it clearly on your invoice.

How to charge for small business services

Given that there’s no set-in-stone technique for pricing small business services, you have some flexibility when it comes to billing clients. Consider using these six steps to help you learn how to charge for small business services:

  • Determine your costs
  • Investigate the market prices
  • Know more about your clientele
  • Look at the total amount of time you have invested in the project
  • Establish a fair profit margin
  • Settle on an hourly or project rate for your services

Once you have done all this, you can now select one of the following methods below to help you charge for the services rendered:

  • Per hour
  • Per month
  • On a monthly retainer basis
  • Per project
  • Or as a percentage of the project earnings

There is no one way to approach the pricing process. As the business owner, it’s up to you to decide what works for you and how that model will fit into your target market