
Photography Invoice Template

Photography is about telling a story! Let's utilize your time rather than spending it on invoices. This oto invoice template lets you focus on producing work for your clients, leaving it to generate invoices for you.

New Invoice

Total $0.00Client
Service Price

Build Your First Invoice & Get Paid Faster

Our invoice templates are available in Google Docs, Google Sheets, Word, PDF, Excel, Canva, Notion, Figma, and Illustrator. Simply hit the download button, update the invoice with your design logo and branding, fill in the details, and you’re ready to hit send!

How to make a photography invoice using oto From selecting props and styling clients to taking photos and editing, there’s a lot of work that goes into typical client engagement. Add general administrative tasks such as invoicing, to this, and running your photography venture can easily take up whatever’s left of your life. The oto generator gives you the freedom to focus on the moments and people that matter the most. It does this by automating all the seemingly mundane tasks to help keep you in the photography niche.
The invoice generator allows you to plug in your information, calculate the taxable amounts, and get a total fast.
Simply follow these steps:

1. Choose your currency

2. Enter your name

3. Enter your client's name

4. Invoice issue date

5. Invoice due date

6. Enter your services and describe what you offered

7. Add tax or discount

8. Add special notes or payment information

What to add in an invoice used for photography

What to add invoice

1. Invoice number and date

Include the invoice number and date at the top of the invoice to make it easy for the client.

2. Business and Information

This is where you include you or your business name, address, number, email, or any other info you see necessary

3. Client information

This is where you include the client’s name, address, number, email, or any other info you see necessary.

4. Description of work and rates

Include a short description of the work you did, the quantity delivered or hours worked, and the price for each item.

5. Discounts, tax, and total amount

Add any discounts, your tax, and include the total amount needed to be paid at the bottom

6. Notes

Include any notes you have, if there are any, at the end of the invoice

How to send an invoice if you’re a photographer

When you’re done with an order, it means it’s time to invoice the client and get paid. It's important to know how to send an invoice after generating it through oto. The simplest and fastest way to send a simple invoice is by email. It allows you to attach an uneditable invoice in PDF format to help prevent fraud. Make sure to include a brief description of your company and of the invoice in its body.

When to send an invoice as a photographer

Most professional photographers ask for payment after completing the project at hand. To ensure you get paid as soon as possible, consider sending the invoice with the final images. This way, your client gets to see what it is that they’re paying you for.

However, some photographers request partial or even full payment upfront, especially when dealing with new clients and big jobs. Feel free to request upfront payment whenever you see fit, as you’re running a business and have materials to buy and equipment to maintain. For a project spanning several weeks, you can request a percentage of the total cost upfront, with the client paying the balance on completion. An alternative to this is to send a monthly invoice.

How to charge for photography services

Although every photographer will charge a different rate for their work, you’ll note that there is some form of standardization in this industry. For example, you can break up pricing based on how long each session takes. Typically, the most common methods used to charge for photography services are

  • Per hour
  • per half/ full day
  • Per month
  • On a monthly retainer basis
  • Per project
  • Or as a percentage of the project earnings