
Got questions?

To sign up for oto, simply add your email address to our waiting list. Next, we will send you an invitation to activate your account.

With oto, you'll receive full payment for your invoices without any deductions from our end. Our secure payment system, powered by Stripe, allows you to receive payments quickly without any additional fees from oto. However, please note that Stripe may charge processing fees for their services. To learn more about these fees, click here

oto offers a free plan, and a Pro plan starting at $24 per month.

During the beta version, oto is only available on desktop. We’re planning to launch a mobile app to help you manage your business from anywhere.

oto includes a time tracking feature that allows you to track your time on various projects and tasks. You can start and stop the timer as needed, and the software will automatically calculate your total hours worked. You can also enter your hours manually if you forgot to start the timer.

Yes, oto includes an invoicing feature that allows you to create and send professional-looking invoices to your clients. You can customize the invoice template to include your logo, business information, and payment reminders.

Yes, oto includes a proposal feature that allows you to create professional-looking proposals for your clients. You can include details about your services, pricing, and terms, and track the status of your proposals.

By signing up for an oto account and connecting your Stripe or PayPal account, you can start accepting client payments as oto serves as your payment processor.

Yes, oto includes a client management feature that allows you to store information about your clients, including contact details and project history. You can also use our software to create and manage contracts with your clients.

Yes, oto includes an expense tracking feature that allows you to track your personal and business expenses and categorize them for tax purposes. You can also attach receipts and other documentation to your expenses for easy reference.

At oto, we prioritize the protection of our users' privacy and do not sell any data to third parties. Additionally, all of our integrated payment providers utilize top-level security measures and are fully compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

We are proud to have members from around the world using oto every day.

oto supports processing payments in 135+ currencies, allowing you to charge customers in their native currency while receiving funds in yours.

Our team is here to support you throughout your journey with oto. If you have any questions or need help, don't hesitate to reach out to our Support Manager at [email protected] We are always happy to assist and make sure you have the best experience possible with our software.